Crown Court Representation

Should you find your case at the Crown Court, we have a specialist team of Crown Court case workers who will be your main point of contact for your case. You will have your own dedicated team member working on your case. You will also be represented by a specialist Crown Court lawyer called a barrister. 

What cases go to Crown Court?

Cases can get sent to Crown Court in multiple ways:

  • Serious offences- offences such as murder, rape, robbery and a number of other serious offences are triable only on an indictment. This means they can only be heard at the Crown Court.
  • Magistrates Court decision – sometimes, the Magistrates Court will make the decision that their sentencing power are not be enough to deal with a particular offence and therefore make send the case to Crown Court where a higher sentence may be imposed.
  • Elected Crown Court trial – if you are appearing before the Magistrates Court, for an offence that can be heard at the Crown Court, you can make the decision that you want your trial to be held at Crown Court. Some people prefer to have a trial with a jury of 12 people rather than a trial in front of a single District Judge or a bench of Magistrates in the Magistrates Court